heat pump myths

Air source heat pumps have transformed the sustainable heating industry on a global scale,
however, while being popular in countries such as Norway, Finland, and Sweden, why is the
UK not included in this list? Many experts believe this is due to the lack of public knowledge
and scepticism surrounding the relatively new technology. Lets take a look at some of the
most common myths about heat pumps, and see how valid/invalid they are.

This misconception may come from the fact that heat pumps have lower flow temperature than gas systems you may be used to.

However, this does not mean that heat pumps lack the ability to keep you warm. In fact, this lower flow temperature means your system is more efficient, whilst keeping your home at a warm temperature, which you can set yourself!

Additionally, research by Nesta shows that 81% of UK customers are highly satisfied with their heat pump installation.

Myth = Debunked

Heat pumps can virtually work at any temperature- especially for the UK climate. As mentioned above, Norway, Finland, and Sweden have the highest percentage of domestic heat pumps globally.

Scandinavian countries have an annual temperature range of 25°C to -20°C, compared to an annual temperature range of 30°C to -1°C in the UK.

Therefore proving that heat pumps are still functional in colder climates. Furthermore, all heat pumps will have some form of antifreeze technology which will prevent the system from freezing
when the weather is colder.

Myth = Debunked

Only if the system has not been designed and installed correctly! Whilst the initial cost of the
system will be more expensive (£12,000- £18,000), the government BUS Scheme means you will be saving at least £7,500 off, meaning your payback time is instantly reduced.

In terms of running costs, you may see a slight increase in your electric bills, as heat pumps use a small amount of electricity in order to generate heat. However, this is counteracted by going gas free and getting rid of your gas bill all together- especially if you do not use gas to cook with. Therefore, air source heat pumps overall offer long term savings!

Also, if you have solar panels and a battery, this will help to reduce your electric bills, meaning they are a perfect pairing for a sustainable home!

Myth = Debunked

As heat pumps require a small amount of electricity to work, they will technically stop working in the event of a power cut. However, these cuts happen so little and for a short time in the UK, that this should not cause a real issue, or pose any major inconvenience.

Myth = Debunked

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