noisy heat pump

A question often brought up in regards to air source heat pumps, is concern that they will be too noisy and cause disturbance. Well, the answer isn’t a simple yes or no. It depends on multiple factors; manufacturer, size, and location of your pump all play a part.

Different air source heat pump brands produce varying levels of sound, which can increase depending on the power required. For example, our preferred manufacturers typically emit around 60 decibels at maximum power. To put that into perspective, 60 decibels is roughly equivalent to the noise level of a normal conversation between two people.

However, it’s crucial to understand that this noise level is measured when the pump is operating at its maximum capacity. During colder months, the air source heat pump needs to work harder, which could lead to more noise. This is why the efficiency of the heat pump plays a key role. The more efficient the heat pump, the less it needs to work, which means it will operate more quietly.

To ensure your air source heat pump runs efficiently and quietly, it’s essential to have your system designed correctly. Ask your installer about the Seasonal Coefficiency of Performance (SCOP) of the unit and brand they plan to install. A higher SCOP indicates a more efficient system, which not only reduces operational costs but also minimizes noise levels.

The size of the air source heat pump is another critical factor that impacts noise. Larger pumps generally produce more sound. Before installing an air source heat pump, you should be aware that if the unit exceeds 0.6 cubic meters, or if you plan to install more than one unit, you will likely need to obtain planning permission. Double-fan units, for example, often exceed this size limit.

Fortunately, our preferred manufacturers typically offer heat pumps that fall within the permitted development rules, meaning they are less likely to require planning permission. This makes the installation process smoother, but also means we can use a smaller and quieter unit while still achieving optimal efficiency!

The location of your air source heat pump can significantly affect noise levels. A larger, less efficient pump is likely to be louder, especially if it’s oversized for your home’s requirements. Proper heat loss calculations are essential to ensure the heat pump is appropriately sized.

Additionally, the placement of the heat pump is crucial. Installing it near bedrooms—either yours or your neighbour’s—can lead to disturbances, especially during the night. We always take this into consideration when planning the installation to ensure that the heat pump is placed in a location where it won’t be a nuisance.

With the right manufacturer and proper installation, your air source heat pump should operate quietly enough that you won’t be disturbed by it. An average of 60 decibels is quieter than most household appliances like washing machines. So, in the middle of winter when your heat pump is working at maximum power, how likely are you to have a window open and be patiently listening out for any sound?

In summary, by choosing a high-quality, efficient air source heat pump and ensuring it’s correctly sized and placed, you can enjoy the benefits of a warm home without the worry of excessive noise. Make sure to discuss these factors with your installer to achieve the best results.

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